Readers' Pick: The Wailin' Jennys, "Bright Morning Stars"

TwangvilleBy Tom OsborneTwangville readers recently picked The Wailin’ Jennys Bright Morning Stars as their favorite album of February 2011. Jazz vocalist Heather Masse joins Ruth Moody and Nicky Mehta as the third Jenny in their first studio album in 5 years. Each contributed 4 songs each for a total of 12 original songs plus the album’s namesake “Bright Morning Stars” a traditional folk song. Masse, Moody, and Meht offer a unique authenticity to the record since all three sing, write, and play instruments. In keeping with their down home style the album was recorded in a cottage near Haliburton, Ontario.I have to admit I didn’t find the record all too remarkable at first. But sure enough, it get’s sweeter with each listen. Co-producers Mark Howard and David Travers-Smith deserve much credit for the production quality of the record. “Bird Song” typifies the album with it’s beautiful, spring-like quality. “Bright Morning Stars” will take you to the river to pray with it’s transcendent harmony. “Storm Comin’” intensifies the record with it’s thunderous bluesy angle. All told, “Bright Morning Stars” is a refreshing take on traditional folk that is sure to please.★★★★