Some of you may be aware that since the beginning of 2006, the Jennys have been buying carbon offsets to help address the tremendous impact their air travel makes on the environment. This year, the Jennys have switched over from the UK-based to, the first Canadian supplier of Gold Standard carbon credits. Both companies are excellent and we recommend either one - if you are interested in reducing your environmental footprint in any way (home, travel, business), these non-profit sites offer many quality international projects in which to invest. They offer calculators which translate carbon output into a dollar value so you know how much you need to invest to offset your energy consumption. Of course, it's always preferable to reduce energy consumption first, but carbon offsets are a good investment nonetheless for the health of the planet.

Here's some more information on
Planetair currently obtains its carbon offsets from myclimate, a Swiss supplier that is ranked among the top in the world for the quality of their services. myclimate projects lead to a direct reduction of greenhouse gases at the source. They achieve this aim by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energies, through energy saving measures and by introducing efficient technology and processes. Transparency, additionality and the verifiable and measurable reduction of emissions have highest priority, and all projects are validated and certified independently.

Happy holidays, everyone and thank you so much for your support!