Returning to the Road

Once again, the time is nigh for our return to the road. Taxes are done, to-do lists are dotted mercifully with check marks, and the relentless pursuit of packing perfection is in high gear. I am quite satisfied with our current attempt to pack my kick drum suitcase in a larger hard shell case that will be checked instead of lugged around airports. No more pleading with flight attendants to put it under my seat. No more admonishments from airlines about the ten pieces of carry-on luggage I am single-handedly trying to bring on the plane. Fascinating information, all this, but such is our traveling life.We've had a great time at home despite the fact that Winnipeg's love affair with winter is still as passionate and unyielding as ever. We've got the two U.S. coasts to look forward to but our poor families and friends at home have the weary, glazed look of the living dead. Canada's win this afternoon at the Women's World Curling Championship has made some people feel better about that phenomenon called "ice" but not by much. I feel almost guilty packing open-toed shoes for California. Almost.We are looking very forward to the set of upcoming shows. As this newsletter mentions, I finally got around to posting about three years worth of restaurants on the food page, and I was reminded of some of the fantastic places we've visited on the coasts - ahhhhhh. But as always, if anyone has any new recommendations, we are all ears. Actually, we are all mouths, really. Big mouths and perpetually growling stomachs.Well, it's time to go and finish packing. As Ruth said in her last journal, we appreciate your guestbook comments very much - your stories continue to surprise, delight, and humble us. Thanks for writing in and we'll see you soon.~ Nicky.