Back to the Road - Alaska, the Midwest, Florida, and More!

Hi everyone,Nicky here. We are in the middle of the usual scramble of the last pre-tour week, running myriad errands, making millions of phone calls, discovering that faulty instrument cases can not, in fact, be fixed before the tour, wondering why we took so long to deal with said cases when we had over two months to do so. I am preparing my cats psychologically for my departure by bringing the suitcases out a week in advance and picking them up against their will for hugs (the cats, I mean). I am wondering how to pack for the many different climates we are about to experience over the next month - where will I store my Sorrels when we go to Florida? How is it that once again, Winnipeg is (much) colder than Alaska and touring there is becoming akin to going on a semi-tropical vacation without the sand and unlimited mojitos?Anyway, we are looking forward to crossing these vast distances and singing for all of you. It seems like it's been a long time since we've been on stage! We are very excited to be returning to our spiritual home of BC though we hear Vancouver just received four inches of snow so we are hoping it will straighten itself out and produce some greenery before we get there. Regardless of what the weather does, we're thrilled to be playing the Chan Centre for the first time and sharing the evening with the fabulous Kelly Joe Phelps. After that, we're back in the gorgeous north, home of ice cold oysters, delicious seafood chowder and some of the nicest people you'll ever meet (not that food is more important than people, but you know what gluttons we Jennys are). People wonder why we go to Alaska in the winter and beyond the aforementioned fact that it is often warmer than Winnipeg this time of year, it's truly one of the most beautiful places on earth. And the halibut is also unparalleled.After that, we satisfy our great love of cheese in Wisconsin, return to beautiful O'Shaughnessy in St. Paul, once again tackle the maze known as O'Hare where the gates F1 and F4 should practically have our names engraved on the seats for the amount of time we spend there. And then Florida! Warm, sunny, I really hope you don't have any cold fronts moving in, half of Winnipeg now lives in Florida, Florida. Then, we head back up north to Minnesota for some time with our Prairie Home Companion family (yay!) before moving on to Illinois, Kansas and Oklahoma. It's going to be quite the jaunt.See you all soon and thanks so much for your support!Nicky