Farewell to A Beloved Bodhran and Thank You UK

We're just home from our UK tour. Wow, what a trip. I had a depressing start on this one as my beloved bodhran got left in a cab in New York City (I still can't bring myself to use the active tense) and I flew to England without a drum. It is like a sort of a death when you lose an instrument, and this one had been with me for 7 years and seen a lot of shows, going back to the Scruj days. I was pretty devastated. Frank Lewis and Norbert Eckermann both came to the rescue by loaning me their drums for the tour. THANK YOU!!!! They are both fabulous drum makers. Thanks especially to Norbert Eckermann for making me a replacement so quickly - I should have a brand new Eckermann drum in time for the Australia tour and all will be well again.The tour was amazing. Unfortunately we all got colds and Nicky ended up on crutches for most of the tour (an old recurring injury), but hey, we are a hardy bunch and we made it through. Unfortunately we never managed to find a cream tea (I know, it's a tragedy) and we will be on a mission when we return in July. It all feels a bit like a dream now in some ways but many things are very vivid: The amount of curry we ate, the amount of fish and chips we ate, playing to a packed house at the Borderline in London, the ocean in Brighton, partying at the BBC Folk Awards with our fabulous agents Ken and Sue Bradburn and Charles Devlin (and Nolene!), York Minster, The beautiful energy of the audiences in Southport, Froome, and Newcastle, (among others...), our lovely hostess Anne and her beautiful Georgian house just outside New Milton, our tourist speed-walk through London with Charles, SOHO, and my hilarious bathroom at the Kent Hotel in London (stay tuned for pictures). I am sated to say the least, and I can hardly believe we are off to Australia (my 'homeland'!) in 2 weeks for more adventures. My senses are going to overload soon if I'm not careful.Thanks to Emerging Music for taking such good care of us over there, you guys are awesome and we can't wait to see you in the summer.Peace