Hello all,Nicky here. I am in a public library in Seattle at the moment. I have been trying to stay on top of my email and my brother and I have also been trying to make sure we get the right email addresses for CMT and MuchMoreMusic so people can request the video. You'd think that would be a an easy thing, but my brain has been mush lately and my brother is doing his best with damage control. Poor guy!The show in Seattle was good - we weren't sure how it would turn out as it was in a bar and the start time was quite late (we'd also started traveling at 7 a.m. in a later time zone so we were a little zombie-like). But it ended up being a great show with a very enthusiastic crowd - we got a much-needed second wind. We had performed on KUOW earlier in the day which brought out some people (thanks to them!) and there were also some people who had attended the Vancouver Folk Festival. It was a good night.Seattle is a beautiful city and we are having a great time here. We leave for Portland tomorrow and we'll check back in soon. I am running out of time on this computer otherwise I would add a couple of new restaurants on the food page. Look for those soon. Also my brother just posted some videos from the "Beautiful Dawn" video shoot (some behind-the-scenes footage), so check that out. We will also have some new photos up imminently.Once again, if anyone feels like emailing CMT and MuchMoreMusic in Canada to request the video for "Beautiful Dawn", you can go to the links below. If you are in the States, you can go to the last link.Thanks for your support!The link to the CMT Canada comments webform is : CMT CanadaJust click on "Connect", choose "CMT Programming", select "Show or Video Request" or "CMT Programs" and then write your email.To email MuchMoreMusic, click on this link:Email Much More MusicTo email CMT (USA), click on this link:Email CMT (USA)