We're excited that we've been invited back to appear on NPR's A Prairie Home Companion. We'll be part of the show on Saturday January 4th, at the Civic Theatre in San Diego, CA. See our tour page for more information.
Stoughton WI show Update!
Our webmaster (although we're questioning the term "master" at this time) inadvertently posted that the shows in Stoughton, WI on November 15 and 16 had a show start time of 8pm. The proper time is 7:30 PM. We are sorry if this has caused any inconvenience.
Berkeley CA Shows Are Sold Out - Kind of...
We are sorry to say that both of our shows in Berkeley, CA (December 6th and 7th) have officially sold out of their advance tickets. We have been informed that there will be a smattering of tickets available for each show at the box office when the doors open each night - but it will be no more than 20 for each show. So if you don't have tickets yet, you can go pitch your tent at the doors of the Freight & Salvage tonite and sit in the balmy November weather for 5 weeks or you can come join us on the Sunday night (December 8th) at The Uptown Theatre in Napa, CA (* just 30 miles from Berkeley) - where tickets are still available for advance purchase. Or, if you can wait until January of 2014, there are also still tickets available for our show in Livermore, CA on January 11 at the Bankhead Theater. You could make it a New Years resolution!
Ruth Starts Her US Tour - TODAY!
That's right, you heard correctly. Ruth starts her tour of the NE USA TODAY, with shows in Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York. She then will head west on October 17 for shows in California and Nevada. Go to her tour page for more info.
News For The Fall Season
Hi everyone!We are looking forward to a sold out show in Harrisburg, PA, this weekend, as well as not one but TWO shows at one of our favourite venues, the Birchmere, in Alexandria Virginia. There are still a few tickets available for the Monday night Birchmere show - go to The Birchmere to purchase.As well, find details for all our 2013 dates here.Also coming up in October:Heather will be on A Prairie Home Companion on October 5th, as well as in Wisconsin for a couple of shows with pianist Jed Wilson. You can find all of her dates on her tour page.Ruth will be touring all over New England and California throughout October - you can find all of the details on her website.Nicky will be doing a special fundraiser with John K Samson in Winnipeg on October 6th. More on that show at WECC.Wishing you all a happy fall and we hope to see you out on the road!Love,The Jennys
2nd Show Added at Birchmere in Alexandria, VA
Our show on September 28th at The Birchmere in Alexandria, VA has sold out. Luckily, we've been able to add a second show on Monday, September 30th. Go to our Tour Page to for all of the details of this show. See you there.
Two New Dates to Post for 2014!
We will be returning to Massachusetts in the spring of 2014 - May 8, 2014 at The Somerville Theatre in Somerville, MA and May 9, 2014 at The Calvin Theatre in Northampton, MA. Beginning on June 21, 2013 you will be able to purchase Somerville tickets here, and purchase Northampton tickets here - and we will see you ... there. For more information, go to our tour-page.
New dates and news!
Hi everyone!We've been chomping at the bit to announce some very exciting news to you all and the day has finally come. We're heading back out on the road in June! We've posted our summer tour dates on our site and on our Facebook page so please check those out and we hope you can make it to a show (more dates will follow). We're very excited to be getting back on stage together after this last hiatus and we wanted to fill you in on the reasons for our break.The first exciting piece of news is the arrival of Heather and husband Ian's beautiful baby boy, August Loyal Duncan born last summer on August 18, 2012! As if a new baby weren't enough to keep her busy, Heather has been performing on A Prairie Home Companion, as well as in her own duo with Jed Wilson and alongside Dave Douglas and Roswell Rudd as a guest singer. She also just celebrated the release of her album with Dick Hyman entitled "Lock My Heart" and will be performing a few upcoming shows with him.Ruth has been road warrior extraordinaire, touring all over North American and the UK with her band since the Jennys left the road. She just released her second solo album called "These Wilder Things". The album features special guests Heather and Nicky and she is currently on tour in Europe with her own band as well as opening for the legendary Mark Knopfler.
Nicky has settled back in Winnipeg with her partner Grant and twin boys Beck and Finn and has been organizing, performing, and mentoring in the vibrant arts community, balancing that with writing and parenthood. And amusingly, now that her boys are finally sleeping through the night, she has started work on her second solo album, a collection of lullabies for all ages due for release in 2014. A brand new website will be revealed in the coming months.We are so very thankful for everyone's patience and continued support as we've taken the time to tend to other parts of our lives. It's what allows us to come back together as Jennys, to celebrate 11 years together with new shows, and to give back all the love you've shown us. Thanks and we'll see you soon!Love,The Jennys