Hi everyone,

We are in Toronto right now working hard on the record - at the moment, we're preparing to lay down more bass, drum and guitar parts and we are very excited about our fabulous band (we kidnapped some smokin' players from Winnipeg, Toronto and Austin, Texas) and the new material. Yay! We will be in Toronto for a few more days and then off to Minneapolis for the Prairie Home Companion shows.

Speaking of PHC, we just found out that we will be playing two shows in New York in December so be sure to check out the On Stage page for details. They should be posted within the next couple of weeks.

Thanks so much for your continued interest.

The Jennys

Hello everyone,

We just arrived in Chicago to discover that due to a flight cancellation, Loudon Wainwright is stuck in Winnipeg (!) and won't be able to make it here for the two shows tonight. We will be performing longer sets for both the 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm shows and we wanted to mention that there will likely be tickets available for both. As it stands, the first show is sold out and the second has tickets currently available. Once people are notified of Loudon's cancellation, tickets may open up for the early show. For anyone in Chicago who is interested in coming to the show, please call the Old Town School of Folk at 773 728 6000. Tickets will be reduced in price but we're unsure of the end price at this moment. Hope to see you!

The Jennys

Hi again,

Thanks so much for all of your guestbook entries - we had a great time performing on A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison and his crew and the Dirty Dozen Brass Band. We hope they've found a good place to rest until they can return home to Louisiana to reckon with the aftermath of Katrina. We send them all of our best wishes.

To answer some of the guestbook questions, "Swallow" will be on the upcoming album due out in the spring and we are looking at recording "Long Time Traveler" though no firm decisions have been made. For anyone wondering if we are visiting your area of the world, please refer to the On Stage page. We will be in the US for much of the fall (Midwest, Alaska, West Coast and East Coast). Be sure to scroll through the numbers at the bottom of the calendar for more dates.

Also, for those wanting to order discs, we are on the road right now so your best bet is to order online at Festival Distribution, Red House Records and Spirit River. All links to our distributors can be found on the Merchandise page under the Music tab.


The Jennys

Hi everyone,

We're writing this from the Minneapolis airport to let everyone know that our performance on A Prairie Home Companion at the Minnesota State Fair will be broadcast at 5:00 p.m. CT today (Saturday, September 3rd). If you are in the States, there are many stations broadcasting the show - just go to the PHC website (www.prairiehome.org) and click on the link that lists those stations (Sirius radio also broadcasts the show). If you would like to listen online, please go to www.prairiehome.org. During the live show, they post a special Webcast homepage with links to the live audio, as well as to the regular homepage. (The regular homepage returns after the live performance is over.) Thanks for your continued interest!

Hi everyone,

We are on the road right now and we noticed that many of you have asked questions in the last few guestbook entries. To save some time and make sure your questions receive an answer, we're going to answer some of them right here. Here we go:

1. Someone was wondering why "40 Days" is not on Itunes. Apparently, it is a little bit of a process to get an album up on Itunes but our trusty management is on the case. Hopefully we'll see the songs on there soon.

2. We are so happy to hear that so many of you would like us to come perform in your home town. If you don't see a show listed on the "On Stage" page for your area (please remember to scroll through the pages by clicking on the numbers under the list of shows), let us know where you are. And if you are so inclined, if you know of a suitable venue in your city, you can always call them up and request our presence. Venues love to hear that people are willing to come support an out of town act. And if they've never heard of us, then they will through you! Many of you are familiar with our aim to conquer the world, so please know that we are trying to visit every place we can!

3. We have had many requests for chords/tablatures and songbooks for the songs on "40 Days." We regret that we haven't had time to put a songbook together and that we don't have sheet music available online. Right now we are actually working on the new album (hopefully due out in the spring), but we will try to answer the call for chords if we have a break - that may not be for quite a while. Hopefully you can all muddle through the process by ear til then. I might try to con a friend into helping us get this going. Stay tuned.

We hope to have new journal entries up very soon as well as new photos and video so check back often. Thank you so much for your kind and enthusiastic comments. It only takes a few minutes with our guestbook to give us a good blast of energy. Thank you!

Hello again,

We are about to leave Vancouver to head to Calgary and just wanted to write a quick note to let you all know that we have created some new albums in the "Images" section. Many thanks to Rachel Stone for posting the photos and for creating her "special pictures" for the Jennys. Head over to www.manitobamusic.com to check out her work there and see what's up with the Manitoba Audio Recording Industry Association.

We expect to have new shows and journal entries up within the next week so please check back for that as well.

Have a great rest of your summer and as always, thanks for your support!

The Jennys

Hi everyone,

A quick note to let everyone know that our Sounds Like Canada (CBC) show at Grandview Park in Vancouver (July 13th) is actually at 6:00 pm, not 8:00 pm as originally posted. Hopefully this will not mess up anyone's schedule. We do hope to see many of you Vancouverites at the show and the festival this coming weekend. We're very excited to get out there and play after taking in so much great music lately in Winnipeg and Montreal.

We hope everyone is having a good summer and we are sending out good vibes to all of those Manitoban farmers affected by the flooding of the last few weeks. Our thoughts are with you and here's holding out for some good weather.

The Jennys