Hi all,

We're back home for a bit and then off to Vancouver for the folk festival. We had a great time in Thunder Bay connecting with friends and singing some new songs together and we're looking forward to the rest of the summer.

There's a lot to check out on the site and more to come - currently, there's a new journal entry, a couple of press articles, new links, several dates on the On Stage page, and new restaurants listed for Victoria, Rossland, Gibsons, Vancouver, West Hollywood, and Comox. Soon we will have another collection of photos and we hope to shoot some more silly videos this summer. Check back often - we've been forcing friends to make the strangest faces possible and they've really stepped up to bat. Have a great summer!

The Jennys

Hi all,

This is a quick note to let everyone know that we will be on the Roundup today at 2:00 pm NT (June 16th) on CBC 1 (990). The show will feature excerpts from our performance with the Glen Buhr Quartet (recorded in May at the Prairie Theatre Exchange in Winnipeg). You can listen online at http://www.cbc.ca/roundup/. Sorry for the last minute notice - we hope you can tune in.

Talk to you soon!

The Jennys

Hi everyone,

We are currently in Minneapolis and we're about to leave for Vancouver in the morning. It'll be sad to go as we've had a truly great time here. Prairie Home Companion was such an exciting experience and we've been amazed by all of your comments in the guest book. For those of you who have asked questions about discs and tablatures in your messages, rest assured we are taking note and we'll be in touch as soon as we can. We are sometimes unable to access the internet for a couple of days so it can take a bit for us to catch up with the messages and get back to you. We do promise to answer as soon as we can!

If anyone in the U.S. would like to order "40 Days", the best option at this point is to go to the Red House Records website (www.redhouserecords.com) and order it there.

Thanks so much for your support!

The Jennys

Hi everyone,

We just finished a week of shows and rehearsals and are gearing up to head out on the road. It's been a bit since we've been out there and we are looking forward to performing for you all! We'll be in the States for a couple of shows and then back into Canada for a tour through BC. Please check the On Stage page for more details.

We are happy to report that we have been working on some exciting new material and hope to be including some of these new songs in our sets very soon. If you are wondering where we will be over the summer, we now have more festival dates up and will be adding more details shortly. Ah, summer! It certainly seems like wishful thinking at the moment with this cold spell in Winnipeg. Why do I feel like we're always saying that?

Thanks to everyone in Winnipeg who attended our shows with Glen Buhr. We had a great time and it was great to collaborate with such an amazing group of musicians.

Take care and please check back for new journal entries, shows, and food entries.

The Jennys

Hello all,

It's snowing in Winnipeg at the moment but we did enjoy some days of 26 degree weather on our break. Annabelle is in Montreal right now but soon she'll be flying here to get ready for our shows with the Buhr Quartet in Winnipeg. After that, we'll be taking off to the States and then on to a tour in BC. Please check the On Stage page for new spring, summer, and fall dates. We're adding them regularly, so check back often.

Take care,

The Jennys

Hi everyone,

We are finally recovering from the mania that was Junofest and we've been busy putting together some new songs - exciting! Thank you to everyone who wrote in with messages of congratulation. We were very moved and overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and generosity.

There are some new shots from the Junos on the image page and we will be adding some more very soon. Please check back!

Finally, there has been a correction on the dates for our two shows in Winnipeg at the Prairie Theatre Exchange. The shows are actually on the 5th and 6th - sorry if this mistake caused any inconvenience. See you soon!