Hello everyone,

Exciting news abounds these days - we just got word that CMT is now playing our video for "Beautiful Dawn"! But as you may or may not know, CMT decides how often an independent video will run based on audience response. We know we've asked for your support in this regard before (and the response was fabulous!), but we are humbly asking again that people write in to CMT to request the video.

The link to the CMT Canada comments webform is : CMT Canada

Just click on "Connect", choose "CMT Programming", select "Show or Video Request" or "CMT Programs" and then write your email. You can mention that you know we have a video out and would like to see it or you can say that you saw it, loved and it and have to see it again! Just a suggestion...

Thank you so much for your interest and please know that all of your support helps the Jennys immeasurably. Cheers!

Hi all,

This is just a quick message to let you know that we will be updating the site in the next few days with some new shows (Juno-related and otherwise), news, photos (some are already up) and journal entries. We should have some new videos up soon and we'll keep you posted on that. Please check back soon.

Greetings to everyone who attended our shows in Kamloops and McBride!

The Jennys

P.S. If you didn't hear the news, we won the Canadian Independent Music Award for favourite roots group of the year. Yeeha! We couldn't have done it without you, so thank you for your incredible support. All of you consistently go out of your way to help us and we appreciate it very much! You rock!

Hi all!

We're back from the UK and what a time we had - we are amazed at how many people have written in to the guest book and we appreciate all of your kind words. We look forward to returning in a year's time and trying some of the restaurants you've recommended. Already thinking about the clotted cream...

While we were in England we had the honour of appearing on Bob Harris' national BBC show and we wanted to let everyone know that the interview and performance can be heard this coming Saturday the 12th between 12:00 am and 3:00 a.m. in the UK (please note that technically the show airs on Saturday since it is 12:00 am but really it is late night Friday - hope that is not confusing). It can also be accessed via the BBC website ( www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/bobharris/ ) and can be replayed for a week after the airing on the 12th.

We want to extend our greatest thanks to Ken, Sue, and Charles (and Noleen) and the rest of the crew at Emerging Music for setting up such a wonderful tour and for driving us around England. What a truly lovely group of people - we had such a blast with you all!

As many of you know, our album "40 Days" just received a Juno nomination for Outstanding Roots Recording. We are thrilled to be nominated alongside many of our friends and we can't wait for Juno week when we'll have a chance to catch up with everyone. Thanks for your congratulations.

Lastly, we wanted to let everyone in BC know that we raised $400 for the Southeast Asia relief fund! We couldn't have done it without you.

Please check back for new journal entries in the next few days and thanks so much for your continued support.

The Jennys

Hello everyone,

The guestbook and Mailing functionality has been restored (it was temporarily unavailable while the site was moved to a faster server). For those of you who attempted to add a guestbook entry earlier but were unable to, please try again as we would love to hear from you.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused,

The Webmaster

ps. Please scroll down to view the previous entries. There have been a number of new messages over the last day or two that you may have missed. Thanks!

Hello Everyone,

Don't Miss The Wailin' Jennys on CBC's Vinyl Caf this Weekend!

Saturday at 10:00 a.m. (10:30 NT) on CBC Radio Two
Sunday at 12:00 p.m. (12:30 NT) on CBC Radio One

This will be the second part of their concert taped at the Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey, BC in October.

Vinyl Caf Website:

The Webmaster