Hi all,

We're back home and getting ready to head out on the next leg of the tour. Our time in Northern BC, Vancouver and Port Hardy was wonderful and we thank everyone for receiving Annabelle so warmly. She's pretty outstanding so we know it required no effort but it was touching to see how open everyone was to this new version of the trio. Thank you for making her feel at home.

We are very excited about what lies ahead and hope that everyone stays tuned to our tour schedule. We'll be in Ontario, England, Alberta, the States and Manitoba over the next few months so be sure to check the "On Stage" page for more information on upcoming performances.

The Jennys

Hi everyone,

We are on the road in northern BC at the moment and we have been driving some of the most beautiful highways around - it's truly gorgeous up here. And it's warmer than Winnipeg! We were warned that it would be cold in Prince Rupert and for that town it was a bit chilly considering their usual average. The day we arrrived it was a bone-chilling -8. We were practically walking around in shorts! Of course, the day we left Winnipeg it was -49 so it would be tough to find colder temperatures than that.

The shows are going well and we are having a great time. We wanted to let everyone know that we are donating $1 per CD sold to the Southeast Asian relief fund for this tour and for any mail orders from the website. We were not able to take part in any fundraisers, unfortunately, so we felt it was important to make some contribution. Hopefully it will help in some way.

Take care, everyone.

The Jennys

Happy New Year, everyone. We hope that you had a restful holiday and we are looking forward to seeing many of you in the next few months. We have been rehearsing like crazy and the show is coming together quite nicely - Annabelle arrived in Winnipeg tonight and we are busy getting ready for our tour in northern BC. It's been wonderful to be home but the road calls once again.

It's hard to write this update without acknowledging the devastation that has occured in Southeast Asia - we are hoping that the rebuilding of the stricken countries is swift and that those of you with friends or relatives in the regions have reconnected with your loved ones. It's encouraging to see so many different communities rallying around this terrible emergency - we hope everyone's spirits are staying high.

Take care, everyone. See you soon.

Hello everyone,

We have some exciting news to report - we have found our new Jenny!

After a busy, sometimes overwhelming but often delightful search, we are happy to announce that Annabelle Chvostek is our new member. We auditioned so many wonderful singer-songwriters from across Canada (many thanks to all of them - Canada certainly has no shortage of talented and dedicated musicians) and concluded that Annabelle was the perfect fit.

Here is an excerpt from the press release our management sent out today:

"Montreal's Chvostek is an innovative singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who performed her first gig at the age of seven with the Canadian Opera Company. She broke on the Montreal cabaret scene in early 1997 with her soulful acoustic jazz-pop and quickly became a major presence in Montreal's music scene. There, she's shared the stage with Dar Williams, Veda Hille, Kinnie Starr, Martha Wainwright, Tegan and Sara, and Penny Lang. Her distinct multidisciplinary bent has also led her to undertake numerous collaborative projects in video, dance and music. Most recently, shes been playing shows with Rae Spoon, Po Girl and Barleywik."

Annabelle has a beautiful, rich alto voice, writes wonderfully innovative and interesting songs, and is a very strong guitarist and violinist. She's a pretty fine person too! We are very excited to see what this collaboration brings and we hope you will like what you hear.

You can check out Annabelle's website by going to the following link: www.annabelle.org

Also, Cara has unveiled a new website and you can visit her at: www.caraluft.com

Happy holidays, everyone. Can't wait to see you all in 2005!

p.s. Check for changes to the website soon. We have a lot of work ahead of us but hope to have the site updated before the next tour.

Hello everyone,

Many of you have likely noticed that the site has not been updated very frequently lately - we're sorry we haven't been in touch. It's come time to let everyone know that Cara has decided to leave the Jennys to pursue her own career. She will be getting in touch with many of you to let you know what her upcoming plans are. You can get in touch with her at her website as well (www.caraluft.com).

Ruth and Nicky will be continuing on with the group and are currently working hard to find a new "Jenny". This will still be the home of "The Wailin' Jennys" and the name will remain with Ruth and Nicky. While they are sad to close this chapter of the group, they are excited about the future and looking forward to unveiling their new project. Unfortunately, the Jennys will have to cancel all tour plans up to the New Year, but expect to be back out on the road in January in northern B.C.

The Jennys want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their outstanding support and continued interest - it's been a wonderful 2 and a half years and they are looking forward to creating and performing more music. Please stay tuned for more news. There's a whole lot around the corner.

Hi everyone,

Sorry it's been a while since we've checked in but things have been hectic for the last while and it's been a challenge to stay on top of everything. We are packing once again to head off to Vancouver for CBC's "Vinyl Cafe" with Stuart McLean. We'll keep you posted as to when the show will be aired. We'll be performing alongside Randy Bachman so it will be a true Winnipeg night! Thanks to all of you who wrote with congratulations about the Western Canadian Music Award win - we appreciate your support and are always happy to hear from you. Talk to you all soon!

Hey everyone,

We have some great news to report - last night we won the award for Outstanding Roots Recording at the Western Canadian Music Awards!!!! It was a good evening on the whole and we were glad we made the trek to Calagary. We had a great time performing Arlington at the ceremony and were thrilled to share the stage with a string quartet from the Calgary Symphony. And since the award was announced only moments after our performance, and we were busy packing away our instruments on our dressing room, we had to practically sprint to the stage to make our first acceptance speech as the trio.

It was a tiring few days of travel preceding the show but seeing our friends from the music community across Canada made it all worthwhile. Manitoba did extremely well at the awards with The Weakerthans, Doc Walker, and many more local acts taking home trophies. Congrats to all of our cohorts! And thanks to everyone for sending us such wonderful notes of support - we appreciate it.