Blog — The Wailin' Jennys

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Welcome to 2020, we so look forward to seeing all of you out there this year. Our first tour of the year starts in the Midwest where we look forward to returning to Sauder Concert Hall in Goshen, IN. From there it's a quick jaunt over to The Patio Theater in Chicago, IL. We'll then board a cruise ship for our first time on Cayamo Cruise where we join the likes of Mavis Staples, Brian Wilson, Rodney Crowell, Buddy Miller, Jim Lauderdale, Dar Williams, Lake Street Dive and many many more for a musical journey through the Caribbean Islands. The daily schedule is officially live here, we hope to sea you aboard!

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Click here for the rest of our tour dates, there are more to come. In the meantime, we’re trying to figure out if Nicky is on the dark side or just dressed that way because of her obsession with death. Either way, Ruth and Heather can save the galaxy by smothering her with those sleeves. Fan art by Jean Claude Roy that gave us a good chuckle.

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May the force be with you in 2020.

The Wailin’ Jedi

Wailin' Jennys Video Contest!


We’re so excited to announce our first video contest! We want YOU to help us create a video for our cover of Tom Petty's “Wildflowers” from our most recent album, FIFTEEN. This song speaks of finding love, release, and freedom, a perfect tribute to the coming of spring after a long winter. Help us celebrate this time of growth by sending in photos, video, and animation that tell of your own journey!

Check out this Video Link to learn more or read below.


  • Email your high resolution photos, video clips and animation to with the subject line “Wailin’ Jennys Video Submission"

  • We’re especially interested in photos and images suggested by the lyrics of the song, but don’t let that limit your imagination. If the song inspires something else to you, send it in!

  • Our favourite submissions will be included in the final video and the senders will each receive a signed Jennys CD of the winner's choice or a vinyl of FIFTEEN, and a Jennys t-shirt. Our top three favourites will win concert tickets to a 2018 Jennys show of the sender’s choice (these tickets are transferable to friends of the sender if the Jennys are not playing any shows in the sender’s geographical area).

The Jennys and NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

Hey everyone,
We're very excited and and happy to let you know that we will once again be partnering with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for the upcoming tour dates! Starting in February, the fine people at NAMI will join us at our shows where we will raffle off Jennys merchandise and devote all proceeds to this much-needed organization.
The money will go towards everything from providing nation-wide education about mental illness and its treatment, to funding courses and programs designed to support those living with these disorders and their loved ones.
As a band, we are looking forward to helping raise awareness of mental illnesses and the discrimination against those who are afflicted by them. As much as we are working to raise funds for NAMI, we are hoping - through talking openly and without reserve on stage - to help legitimize illnesses of the brain as diseases that deserve the compassionate care and attention afforded to other maladies that affect the body.
You all have been so wonderfully supportive of our work with NAMI in the past and have given generously to this underfunded and deeply important organization. We hope you continue to feel that this is an important agency we're supporting and join us in championing it.
For more information about NAMI, please visit:
The Jennys

Virginia Ahoy!

Looking forward to our swing into Virginia starting on Saturday. Though tickets for Alexandria and Charlottesville are sold out, there are still tickets available for our show in Rocky Mount, VA on December 16. Road Trip!!! The weather is supposedly going to be wonderful and we'd love to see you there. Go to our show page to buy tickets or go HERE

Pre-Order the New Album

We're now about two weeks away from the release of our new album "Fifteen" - yay! The Album is available in the USA through Red House Records. Pre-order at Red House Records.

True North Records is releasing it in all other territories (including Canada, UK and Australia). Pre-order through them at True North Records.

And thanks again for all of your support!

Click Here to Listen to our Version of Boulder to Birmingham from the New Album "Fifteen"

Hey Everyone - the countdown to our new album continues. The Bluegrass Situation has posted an exclusive stream of our version of "Boulder to Birmingham" by Emmylou Harris. Go to The Bluegrass Situation for a listen.

And please go to Red House Records (USA) and True North Records (Canada, UK, Australia and most other territories) to pre-order the album.

Thanks for all of the support, and we hope to see you soon!