Hello everyone,

I am writing this at an internet cafe on Hollywood Boulevard and I have to say that this whole L.A. experience is a little surreal. We're waiting for our show to start (this one's a bit late for our usual crowd as our set begins at 11:00 pm) and there's some sort of strange showcase before us featuring singers who do backflips and backup dancers. Hmmm...

Anyway, we wanted to thank everyone for writing in to CMT and Muchmoremusic with your requests for "Beautiful Dawn". If you haven't had a chance to send a message in or you'd like to send a few more emails, the links are below and on the journal page. Thank you!

We have added some new food entries, a review from the Chico news, and some more shows. Check back often! We'll have more to report from the last leg of this tour later -we're being charged an arm and a leg to use these computers. I wonder if it's because we're so close to the stars (ie. the wax replicas down the street)?

Hi again,

Sorry to bother everyone so soon after the last message - you have all been so wonderful with your requests, we can't believe how many of you already wrote in. We feel sheepish to say this but we gave you the email address for CMT U.S. instead of CMT Canada. Aaaaargghh!! I know this is asking a lot (this is Nicky speaking here, I shouldn't let Ruth and Cara take the blame for this gaff), but if you could click on the attached link and copy the text of your previous emails into the CMT Canada comments form, we would be so thankful. It certainly won't hurt that CMT U.S. got the message - actually, it could really help us down south - but it's the Canadian website we need to hit.

I promise that I'll check into these kinds of things more thoroughly in the future. I have road brain right now. Eeeek.

The link to the CMT Canada comments webform is : CMT Canada

Just click on "Connect", choose "CMT Programming", select "Show or Video Request" or "CMT Programs" and then write your email.

Thanks again and sorry for the confusion!

Hello everyone,

We're in Calgary at the moment and we just got word that the video for "Beautiful Dawn" has made its way over to CMT and will hopefully soon be at MuchMoreMusic. But we need your help! Unlike major label artists who have the muscle of a huge label behind them, we depend on our fans to let these stations know that there is demand for our kind of music. We would appreciate so much if you could go to one or both of the following links and request the video for "Beautiful Dawn". All you need to do is click on the links below, write a short letter saying that you know The Wailin' Jennys have a new video out and ask them to play it.

We know everyone is busy but we would appreciate your help so much. Your support has helped get us to this point and we thank you for that. We couldn't do it without you all!

To email CMT (USA), click on this link:

Email CMT (USA)

To email MuchMoreMusic, click on this link:

Email Much More Music

Hello again,

It's officially fall - woodsmoke is in the air and sweaters are back in rotation. And we're heading to California! Woohoo! Don't worry, we'll get our own back when we tour through Canada in January but for now, we're heading south. We'll be performing in Edmonton and Wayne, AB first and then making our way down the west coast of the States. Check out the dates on the "On Stage" page for more details.

We also just learned that we won an official showcase at the upcoming North American Folk Alliance in Montreal. This is the big folk conference we attend every year and we are thrilled to have been chosen this year to perform alongside some of the most exciting folk/roots acts from all over the world. There are lots of good things happening in the next few months and we'll be sure to keep you posted as they unfold.

Hey everyone,

The food page is up! Head on over to the "Food" link and you'll find a list of locations and favourite restaurants of the Jennys. Please keep in mind that we are still working on this and always adding new info, so if you don't see anything listed under a particular town or city, you'll likely see something soon enough. We are always on the road and we spend a lot of that time eating, so you can rest assured that we will have new places to report on a regular basis. Hope you like it!

Hello all,

We have some very exciting news to report - "40 Days" has been nominated for two Western Canadian Music Awards! The album is up for Outstanding Album (Independent) and Outstanding Roots Recording. We have been nominated alongside some powerhouses like Winnipeg's own The Weakerthans, new friends Po' Girl, Doug Cox and Todd Butler, as well as mainstays like Mae Moore, and 54-40. It may be a cliched sentiment, but we're honoured just to be nominated. For more information about the awards, please go to http://www.westerncanadianmusicawards.ca

In other news, we are happy to report that the video shoot went well - you can find out more about that on our Journal page. One of the Jennys will be writing soon about our experiences in Calgary as well as our festival in Owen Sound.

Talk to you all soon!

Hi everyone,

We've returned from the east (Cara's gone south) and we are taking a bit of a breather before heading west to Calgary. Please check the On Stage page for new U.S. and Canada dates--we have added fall, winter and spring shows and will be continuing to do so daily.

When we get back from Owen Sound, we'll finally get a chance to work on the food page. You can expect to see something new before the end of the month. Also, we hope to add some new pictures and video from the summer. As always, check out the journal for new entries. Thanks for your support!


It is Monday the 9th and we are still in Lunenburg--the show last night went very well and we had the pleasure of having David Francey, Dave Clarke, and Ken Whitely on stage with us for a couple of songs. What a treat! We leave tomorrow for Halifax where Ruth and Nicky will fly home and Cara will travel on to meet up with some friends down south. Then, we will gather next week in Calgary to shoot the video for "Beautiful Dawn".

After that, we head back to Ontario for Summerfolk in Owen Sound. We'll check back in to let you know how the video went.